воскресенье, 16 декабря 2007 г.

First Snow

I like first snow too. The first snow - because it is like a decoration. Everything changes and turns from black and ugly into white. Everything is shining as though small jewels are scattered everywhere.

If only this first snow would be up to Christmas. For children this is the most wonderful day of the winter. It is a pity that I’m not an artist or a poet. Though, why I need to draw this when everyone can see it?

We only have to understand and accept this beauty.

воскресенье, 2 декабря 2007 г.


Now I have some friends living in China. Two of them were born in China, the others have arrived from the different countries for business. I even did not assume, that people can have so different thoughts. The difference between those people who live in China and those who have come there from other countries is very big. Even their philosophy of life, vital values differ. Certainly I understand that first of all this is connected with the state system and history. But even education of children in China strongly differs from western. Earlier I did not think of many things. Probably it will be also interesting to visit Japan. I hope to go there and to see everything with my own eyes.